Monday, May 31, 2010

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

“…the whole church…”
Acts 5:11

Agatha Tabitha Freegrace sat in the front pew next to her Father at the Sunshine Salvation Valley Church started by her grandfather when he had come to Oregon with everything he had and a dream from God to start a church for the Western settlers so many years ago. The voice of the young reverend Holt rung throughout the church building as he spoke with passion and vigor about the Christian’s call to rejoice in the Lord always.

“There may come a time when your life is shattered by a tragedy, and everything in your life comes into question, but you must rejoice in the Lord always!”

“Amen,” Agatha’s father offered his wholehearted agreement to the minister’s words as several other parishioners echoed his sentiment. Agatha beamed at her father, she knew that he was one of the best Christians in town, and she was proud of the way he had continued rejoicing, even after losing Mama. He was always quick to encourage her to do the same, teaching her to count her blessings and look at things in a blindly positive way. She held her Bible and grandfather’s old journal tightly in place on her lap. The pastor’s words reminded her of one of her grandfather’s most profound entries; he had written it on the way to Oregon when the going was getting tough, and he was beginning to doubt his mission to bring the good news to the settlers who were also making the brave journey West. Agatha flipped through the thinned pages of the journal and found the entry:

June 22nd, 1864

The sun sure is hot today. Tabitha says she curses the day we left our comfortable home in Boston to make the long journey West. Our strongest Ox, Jacob’s Ladder, died on the trail today. The poor boy couldn’t take it any more, and he just dropped dead on the dusty trail. These plains remind me of the Valley of Dry Bones in Elijah, because I am a pastor. Little Isaac has come down with a cough. I hope he will pull through this, and grow up to be a strong farmer, maybe with a daughter, attending the church I started so many years earlier. It is visions and dreams like these that carry me on in addition to the vision of bringing Jesus to the godless settlers. They are all waiting for the hope I am bringing them. I hope I get there before the saloons do. So, despite the dead ox, cranky wife, sick son, and hopeless terrain, I am remembering today to rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again…

The wise words of her grandfather and the words of the pastor wove together in her head, a beautiful tapestry of grace. Agatha couldn’t imagine any trial that could take away her love for God and life. She thought of her dear Clarky, and wondered if he was sitting in church today, and whether he rejoiced in the Lord anymore. Agatha sighed and stared out the window of the church as if Clark would show up any second on his horse, summoned back by her thoughts of him. She shot up a quick prayer for Clark and his soul, turning her attention back to the service just in time to hear the minister’s closing words, “So rejoice today, children of God, no matter what happens in the plot er…your life!”
Amen. “Stand with me and sing the closing hymn, #224.”

Reverend Holt had a strong tenor voice that led the congregation in the beautiful hymn, Amazing Grace, because what other hymn is there (besides Great is Thy Faithfulness and Be Thou My Vision, which they had already sung earlier in the service)? Agatha’s own melodious voice rose above the others in the congregation, she was known for her beautiful voice, and the surrounding parishioners all beamed at the beautiful girl and her beautiful heart. Agatha grabbed her father’s hand and clutched her mother’s locket with the other, having long ago memorized the hymns sung in church. The sun shone in the church windows warming Agatha’s face as she marveled at the inspiring force of the whole congregation with voices lifted in song. She knew this was her grandfather’s dream, and she reckoned she could be satisfied with this life for as long as the Lord kept her on the earth, in Sunshine Salvation Valley, in Abundance County Oregon.
As Agatha and her father exited the church building, she was startled by a voice…


Because he was speaking in all caps, Agatha knew that it was God. She quickly answered the Lord in italics:

What God?


I always will Father, I always will.

Agatha sighed, thankful for her father, her life, and her God. Her stomach rumbled as she anticipated the potluck the women of the church had prepared for them.

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